We’re sure you’re all very familiar with our favourite spiny (but super soft) Spike the Giant Hedgehog.

When he’s not snuffling around looking for beetles and dried twigs, he’s busy popping into our yarn stockists all over the UK for a little stay-cay.

He’ll be documenting lots more of his journeys on our social media sites: Twitter @ and Instagram @KingColeLtd. You can keep track of him on these sites and our Facebook page by simply searching  or our @handles.

You can also use this hashtag when sending in your own photos of him, along with tagging our @handles – we’d love to feature these on our sites too! He enjoys playing hide-and-seek (sneaky thing!) and may try to get you to guess his location by posting clues about nearby locations.

What are you waiting for? Head to the hashtag and get tracking! He’s spotted at Mrs T’s Wool Shop, Coventry..